Life: Now Is All That Matters

by - December 17, 2014


Over the past few months, I’ve been getting to know who I am. Taking a break from the distractions that we place in our life  on a daily basis. One thing I’ve started to realize that,  it’s so easy to be NEGATIVE, be takes a lot to practice positivity. So, why is that. Why would your first thought be of something that you do want, opposed to something do you want. FEAR. We have been raised in a society where fear is a part of how we live. And believe it or not, it was introduced before we were even born. Just think,  every time your worried, confused, upset, annoyed, etc; the presence of fear is taking over you. And who can you blame for that. Those things we call thoughts. They will take over your life and reek havoc. My thoughts, mostly negative ones have control my life since I was a young child. I've worried pretty much my entire life, which caused me to want to be in control of anything and everything around me. Worry is a form of FEAR. You get to a point in life when you say enough is enough. That’s what I did.

How to stop Fear? Seams hard right? It’s actually quite simple. Stop thinking so much, and you stop FEAR. Ask yourself this question has thinking more changed anything in you life. Probably not, so why not try doing something different. How about feeling instead of thinking. You have to remember, thoughts become things. It’s the law of the Universe.

My mother and brother introduced me to Abraham Hicks teachings. If you’ve never heard of hear google her or search youtube. It change my life. She talks about our purpose in life and that is to get to know who you are. For me, she has helped me tremendously. I really let go of a lot of things and it feels good. I am now living in the NOW. Not the PAST or the FUTURE, because I have no control over those things. I only can control the now, not yesterday or tomorrow but TODAY!!!!! Pray, Meditate and live in the moment. Do what you love today, for today is the only thing that matters.


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